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Writing Myself Into Freedom

John Lee Gaston White

Poet and artist, tech-hybrid investor and advisor.

John champions the right to feel as an art form. He writes about a different kind of revolution, the inner revolution to reimagine his country by first doing the work to reimagine his own life.

Reimagine America

The Vision Of John Lee Gaston White

John Lee Gaston White is a writer, poet, entrepreneur and investor. John champions the right to feel as an art form. He writes about a different kind of revolution, the inner revolution to reimagine his country by first doing the work to reimagine his own life.

John Lee Gaston White is driven by love of country and is a believer in a free America — a nation dedicated to radical self-examination in pursuit of what the sum of us can accomplish, an America worthy of our children. He endeavors to examine, reimagine, and ultimately, write his way to this freedom.

About John Gaston

My full name is John Lee Gaston White. I was born in the United States of America on July 4, 1984, at 4:44 pm. I am an “Independence” baby. As a child, my father would call out for me to come to him, shouting “John Gaston” or “JG” for short.

Driven by love of country as a believer in a free America, I endeavor to examine, reimagine, and ultimately, write my way to this freedom — a nation dedicated to radical self-examination in pursuit of what the sum of us can accomplish, an America worthy of our children and the inner child in each of us.

Reimaging manhood and family, stepping into my father’s shoes, my mother’s heart, my earliest memories, my trauma and my fear, I mine them to understand how I might reimagine myself. How we might approach reimagining ourselves. And, what it takes to transform a nation.

My central vision is one of healing and self–examination – of my personal life but also of the nation as a whole. What I am essentially saying is that to heal the world we need to heal the nation; and to heal the nation we need to heal men and, before that, boys.

As a writer and poet, entrepreneur and tech-hybrid investor, I champion the right to feel as my art form, writing about a different kind of revolution, the inner revolution to reimagine my country by first doing the work to reimagine my own life.

I am the author of the upcoming memoir Hold Me: I Am The Nation, a work of communal transformation through individual renewal. Hold Me: I Am The Nation is a story of imagination, pain, nation-building, and personhood, exploring my fears, dreams, love, and patriotism – the deep yearning I have for my nation, and the world at large, to see me, feel me, and hold me in the fullness and complexity of my individual humanity.

Hold Me: I Am The Nation

We are nation and a people who are damaged and bound.

Surrounded by that damage, how do we decide what to salvage? How do we get free? How do we save ourselves and our country? We examine and learn and reimagine and write our way to freedom.

John Lee Gaston White is free. Getting there meant exposing himself to himself; and now he shares with us that journey, from trauma to salvation. It’s a story of imagination, pain, nation building, and personhood. John shows us the power of fear, dreams, love and patriotism.

Hold Me: I Am The Nation is at once a homegoing and a homecoming; a sunrise and a sunset. It is birth and it is death. It is a view into the resurrection of the purest of ideals.

Hold Me: I Am The Nation’s birthing of truth and freedom invites us to be children again; innocent and questioning and learning and being guided by others who are free. And fighting for our families and friends and governors who don’t understand that they are shackled.

He is a father, husband, son, poet and writer, entrepreneur and visionary. Each part of him is unique and broken. He is us. This work is us.

Hold Me: I Am The Nation is an invitation to begin again by returning to the innocence of our truest nature.

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The Father of the Reimagined America” adapted for screen as a poetic short on the virtual stage at Center Theatre Group in Los Angeles.

George Floyd

The Father of the Reimagined America” adapted for screen as a poetic short on the virtual stage at Center Theatre Group in Los Angeles.

Writing myself into freedom

Interviewed for the Find Your Voice podcast by Allie Fallon — “Writing myself into freedom.”
John White – Writing Myself Into Freedom


Debuted his personal poetic “manifesto” as an installation in support of women’s equality at the 79 Art Space exhibition in Kracow, Poland.
Glamour Magazine Poland featured John as “a name worth knowing”, being amongst “artists at the service of equality, diversity, and freedom.”

A Name Worth Knowing

Glamour Magazine Poland featured John as “a name worth knowing”, being amongst “artists at the service of equality, diversity, and freedom.”

Vogue Poland

He and his work have been featured in Vogue Poland, Glamour Poland, LA Weekly, and Houston Chronicle

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